
Passenger numbers unchanged for September

17.676 passengers through the airport in September

Over September of this year, a total of 17.676 passengers arrived or departed over the airport. This is a slight decrease of 0,4% compared to the same month last year, when the number of passengers stood at 17.739.

In September the major routes, e.g. to Denmark and Iceland experienced some increases of 9,2% and 15,2% respectively, while the routes to Norway and Great Britain experienced a 100% and 36,4% decrease respectively. There have been no offshore activities date this year.

To date, a total of 172.212 passengers have arrived or departed over the airport. This represents 4,6% more compared to the same period last year, when the corresponding figure was 164.681.

In September there were 435 arrival and departure flight operations. This is a decrease of 28, 9,2% compared to September of last year, when 612 flight operations were recorded at the airport. A substantial number of last year?s September flight operations were due to offshore helicopter operations.

To date, a total of 4.217 aircraft have arrived or departed through the airport. His is an 18,2% decrease compared to the same period last year, when 5.155 aircraft were recorded through the airport.