Vagar Airport, gateway to the Faroe Islands, is heading for yet another record-breaking year after a slow February and March. Passenger-figures in May show a growth of 25.2%.
So far this year some 112,613 passengers have travelled through Vagar Airport, approximately 10,000 passengers more that the same time last year.
“Jákup Sverri Kass, CEO at Vagar Airport commented: “We thought that April was a very good month, but May has proven to be very satisfying indeed. Normally we have some 20,000 – 25,000 travellers in May. In May 2017, we had some 32,500 passengers through the terminal.”
Figures from Vagar Airport show that there is a record-number of tourists coming to the Faroe Islands in 2017. The foundation and continuous work by Visit Faroe Islands and the Faroese tourism-industry seems to be paying off. This together with a strong Faroese economy driving domestic demand and business travel, and Atlantic Airways and SAS competing on the route between the Faroe Islands and Copenhagen, seems to be stirring the passenger growth.
“With both Atlantic Airways and SAS competing on the route between the Faroe Islands and Copenhagen, the prices of tickets have decreased and there has been an increased awareness on the Faroe Islands as a tourism-destination. Furthermore, Atlantic Airways has a record-number of direct-routes from the Faroe Islands to Europe in 2017; this opens up accessibility to and from the Faroe Islands,” said Mr Sverri Kass.